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Date: October 15th 1944
William Hollett

Sun. Oct. 15th 1944

Lincoln & Welland Regt.


Dear Dad:-

I have been holding back the answer to your last letter because I have at least two on the way to you now. which is a bit too much, dont you think? Trouble is to find things to write about. I wrote Ada a couple of days ago and told her to tell you that I had your letters etc. I also sent her a souvineer. Let me know if she got it O.K. your letter was dated Sept. the 17th and I got it Oct 10th so I guess that’s not too bad. Irene’s gone, eh? Must be pretty lonesome now. Louie was a lot of company for anyone. It was a strain on mom all night but I’ll bet she misses them too. However George and Rickey should be able to make things interesting enough. Like one of the guys here said the other day “youve not lived till youve been peed on by a baby” I’ll be looking forward to Irene’s new address so I can drop her a line or two again.

I sure wish I could send home some of the things that are toying around in this house of ours. We moved here a couple of weeks ago and have had a pretty good go ever since. We have spring mattresses, a stove in every room, dressers, side boards, clothes cupboards beautiful china dishes, chairs, pictures on the wall, (no windows though) also a few holes in the roof. We had a nice orchard when we came here first but most of the fruit has either been eaten, fell off or was blown off. Things are pretty quiet here now though, I guess it wont (over) last for ever, we’ll probably be moving again one of these days. In other words all good things must come to an end.

It was sure tough to hear about Johnnie Kerr lets hope we don’t lose too many more of the home town boys before its over. Sorry to hear about Pearl’s Husband too. our community horse met a sad fate you say and after such a successful season too. I dont know why the Hell you should tell me that though. You know darn well I dont play the horses. I hope the Quarter Master’s Department doesn’t get a hold of the carcase, We’ll have Bully Beef another year if he does.

I just a few minutes ago got a letter from Margaret and one from Evelyn. Tell Marg I may write to-night on duty If not it wont be too far distant. We were eating pancakes and honey when they came. I got along on the stomach to-day while getting the honey but its worth it. The pancakes weren’t too bad either.

The weather is pretty cool these nights. We hear that were going to get a winter zoot suite I hope they hurry up. We’ll soon be able to skate on some of this flooded territory around here. Was I telling you about swimming across one canal a few weeks ago? Brrrrr! I can still feel it and the salt water nearly ruined my rifle as well as my disposition. I was wet for two days after it’s a wonder I didn’t catch cold but I never I guess there inmoculations do some good at that.

Well Dad thanks a lot for a swell letter write often! Ill do my best to answer tell Mom not to worry.




Original Scans

Original Scans

William.Hollett.letter.1944.10.15.01 William.Hollett.letter.1944.10.15.02