Feature Letter of September 15th, 2024
Turpin, Geoffrey William Francis
Dear Family
I know, I know, dont tell me, I havent written for a long time; but honestly there hasn't been anything to write above, which is a pretty weak excuse.
Life is pretty dull at the moment. We've been away training for a while near a place called something like Llandudno-y-beddnerududyllandy or something . It was very interesting, very wet and very windy....I'm glad to see the Jerries taking a bit of a pasting now. I can't imagine what 1000 bombers in 90 minutes would be like, but it must be something pretty grim. Just as a comparison, I was in London the night of the biggest and last blitz. There were only 300 bombers over in about 6 hours, and London is a big place, but it seemed to be literally raining bombs. You could hear the whistle of them almost continuously. So figure it out. That was the night the door-man of the Park Lane Hotel remarked "Lovely night" as I shot in the front door.