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Date: November 2nd 1918
Lorene (Sister)
Charles Willoughby

Sunday Nov 2/1918.

My Dear Lorene:

When I look at the way my correspondence is gradually piling up on me this last couple of weeks I begin to feel hopeless. I have been so continuously on the go that letter writing has been entirely out of the question even to Maryon, and then the postman has been particularily good to me. I now have two of your letters and no less than four of mothers unanswered.

I have so much to write about when I do start to tell what I have been doing lately that by the time I have been writing a good average letter I find I have not even commented on a single letter from home. However as long as I write some kind of a letter each week to say I am well that is the main idea.

I fooled around town here all day Monday & Tuesday. Meeting Vance for lunch & dinner, buying up half the town between meals and wandering around to a theatre at night.

On Wednesday I went down to Aldwick to Visit Harry, see some old friends and called my trunk. I had a most busy and interesting couple of days there and came back here on Friday morning to be joined by June in the afternoon.

Jim certainly looks fine and seems to have an excellent job. We have been continuously on the go about town since he arrived. Tomorrow we hope to go off to Birmingham together and then I may wonder on up towards Sheffield for a couple of days to see Derbyshire and visit Babs' (Mrs Sherritts) people. They have always been most anxious to have me and sent a special letter to Babs to have me be sure and go this time. They are real entertainers and I know they will show me a good time.

Jim has just shown me your letter he received a couple of days ago. He says he will be quite pleased to look after the parcel for you when it arrives.

I have not heard a word from Stewart yet. I wired him last Monday to let me hear from him. It may be my wire has gone astray.

Am awfully sorry about Charlie Mooney. I went around to the records office as soon as I got the wire. and could only find he had died of wounds. Certainly hard luck. I will have to write Mr & Mrs Mooney.

I see by the paper that Calum Duff is now reported as killed. The Canadians certainly are having terrible casualties these days. I will have to write the Duffs' now too.

I met Alex Rowles in town a few days ago. He is looking quite well but has a nasty wound and expects to go home any day now on ‘sick leave'.

So poor old Aunt is now dead - In a way it will be more or less a relief for everyone. and for herself, for life has certainly not been a great pleasure for her lately I should think. She certainly has been a wonderful old lady. And we will all miss her.

I am glad to hear of Fathers change of territory and feel it will be much easier for him now. I am more than happy to hear of his increase in wages. He deserves every bit of it, and more too. I hope it may continue and his bonus may be a record this year. He is a hard worker and now that the firm are beginning to realize his value I hope they will continue to increase his salary accordingly. They still have a long way to go to pay him what he must be worth to them.

you certainly must have had a wonderful time in Chippewa & Chicago from all accounts.

It is too late for me to again support the people take my money and pay off the mortgage. I have suggested it before and hope they may have done so by now. It is costing me a ridiculous lot of money on leave this time but I hope to take home at least $40000 More with me this Christmas. O they can figure accordingly.

I certainly appreciate your suggestions for Maryon's Christmas box. Every thing is so dreadfully expensive over here now that it is a question of which is the best [?] Linen stuff seems to have gone sky-high here too. Even more so than at home probably. However I am looking around.

Certainly hard luck about Art Seandley & then poor Sanders has been wounded too

So you are still set on war-work. Well Lorene, that is absolutely up to yourself. I can quite understand how you are anxioux to do what you can but then which is the real best war-work. - Staying at home & helping mother or going down town to work in a canteen. The war is almost over now, I hope, and then your music might be of more value to you afternoon. We will talk over the hospital work where I come home. Then should be no trouble getting in office insist

Am glad to hear Glena has gotten her [?]. I rang up the Book Co yesterday and found Ralph is somewhere in town but has gone out for the week-end. I hope to see him sometime while on leave.

Vance has just come in now and we will have to be working up something for the afternoon.

Yesterday I met one of the officers from our Division and he has just come on leave. He says the division is now out on rest. It certainly deserves it. He also said they more or less expect to be out for some time. I hope so but dont count much on it.

I think I will have to write a book entitled from "ypres to the Scheldt". - Here certainly is enough to be told for a whole book full.

Well I must close now. Well hope to write again during the wekk.




From across a double leather photo - holder a few days ago - A regular beauty which Maryon & your photo just fits