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Date: June 11th 1918


Dear Sister

I am sending you these few hoping to find you all well as it leaves me so at present. It is quite a time since I have received a letter from home.

At the present time we are quartered in France although quite a ways from the front. I am getting anxious to get there while the weather is good and if we should have to put the winter in which is most likely we will be quite used to things, everybody you see here is in the uniform of different allies. the food is plentiful is of a better quality than what we got in England although they have plenty stored up there I will put my address here to be sure and keep it and then it will save me writing again # 2020829 Pte. S. Greenway of the Can. Batt Canadian Infantry Base Depot B.E.F. France

I saw Charlie Luenell a couple of boys from Ladysmith and a couple from Sannach and some from town I have forgot their names but there is none here from the Dist. There is some at the front I will know. I wonder if Arthur Simpson is still in the P.R. I should have an answer from Jim before this reaches you. We are camped outside of one town that the German flyer tried to raid but the anti-air-craft made it so hot for him he did not have a chance to bomb it I saw the hospital the Germans bombed a couple of weeks ago and the wounded soldiers. Where those bombs drop they make some hole in the ground of course if the people is warned in time to get out of the houses there is not much chance of getting hurt. they generally raid on a moonlight night not too bright though or an early morning, I had those pict. Taken but I did not like them so I threw them away this is all this time I conclude with love and best wishes to all


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