Dear Bi.
Why don't you people write I sent my address and Miss Barker says she wrote Lou But no word yet I got one from Mary sent to England dated 5 Feb and from Bert but none addressed here. Say you said in your last you wanted to send something well I will tell you what I want (don't laugh) a piece of maple sugar I just got a letter from Bella Frank saying it was coming time to tap. Na. Wish I could go for it.
My old Batt applied for me but as I was mentioned in dispatches this Bn. Refuse To give me up it made me feel cheap when the General called me out before the whole batt on parade and Congratulated me. I do not think I deserved it. No Bi do you and will draw a sketch as you [?] to do and show just what I did
[sketch of British and German trench lines]
you see when I was at their old listening post just one roll of wire separated me from the new port and the beggar was sniping over my back and tell you it nearly deafened me and my chums thought I was hit sure. You see I went sometimes 20 to 40 yds ahead. the night of the snow I was 40 ahead but other nights 15 to 20 yds only. S.P. is sniper port M.G. machine gun and we knocked them out with bombs.
So you see we did nothing after all but that is the way things go at times. I have seen France and Belgium so I'm quite a traveller Write often but I cannot promise to answer as when we are in the firing line it is hard to write especially if we have night work on but I feel lonely for a letter. A month without news of Canada especially when others are getting mail every day seems a long time did you not get my address I sent it but put it down again
A.J. Kaine Lieut
2nd Sherwood Forresters
Will be in the front again before you get this but have had a nice rest.
Love to all